Certificate Program 参加者様のコメントご紹介 Workshop 5「教室運営と授業計画」, Workshop 6「アクティビティを効果的に使うこと」から

参加者様からいただいたコメントから、Workshop 5, 6 について一部ご紹介いたします。

-- Workshop 5 教室運営と授業計画 より--

The MAT pie chart put planning into perspective for me and my lessons have been more organized.

When I tried TELL in 2nd grade, I was surprised how much they notice in a picture book that they wanted to express in English.

This opportunity has opened my eyes that my perception of teaching has changed completely.

As always the lecture was clear and concise. The pacing was good and the speaker was engaging. The book recommendation was a nice touch as it told me that she was genuinely interested in teaching.

After I have started using the MAT METHOD I found it easy to handle and was able to access my students more and more.

This method has helped me to solve many discipline problems which I had earlier. Specially the classroom rules have made me easier to handle them.

Actually than just praising the class as a whole, praising specifically have more intense responses. At times when I praise specifically they seemed to be extremely delighted and satisfied, that for sure increases their self-esteem and improve their ability to use the language with confidence.

I haven't had much chance to try the advice on disciplining, since I started using the MAT method and varying my lessons most of my students have actually become much better behaved.

Because students can say what they want to say and can learn reading and writing the sentences they created, which is something the students get active on and motivated to.

I applied the idea of TELL speaking leading naturally to TELL writing in my class. I applied a very rapid improvement in my older students reading ability and confidence, thank you IIEEC

I can think of one student in particular who would always snatch things from other students, or kick people, or talk too much. After attending the workshop on MI, I realized that maybe other alternative approaches might affect this student's behavior - and they have helped greatly. This has also affected the way I plan classes. I now prepare alternative activities with certain students in mind on the off chance that the planned activities don't get the required response. In most cases, a loss of focus or attention now results in me quickly changing or adapting the activity, rather than automatically disciplining the students.

When I started teaching, my students seemed to be bored. Now I know the reason. My lesson's length of each section was too long. I continued the same activity for a long time even though students already did well. I couldn't pay attention to their progress. I'm now careful to make short, fast, rhythmical lesson. Taking the time to go slowly and carefully is also an important thing, so it's essential to keep good balance.

I am proud to say that I have always took care in planning my classes beforehand with a variety of activities and material, but after the course, I made a long term plan for what I want the students to learn before they leave, and reviewed my daily plans in accordance to the long term goals. It made a difference in the choice of vocabulary, phrases, and grammar to teach in each class, and hopefully will help my students learn in a more constructive and organized course.

-- Workshop 6 アクティビティを効果的に使うこと より--

I think the use of good learning activities is very important to a fun and functioning class. I am very pleased that I could come to the fifth and sixth workshops first so that I would have this information as soon as possible.

The most fascinating thing I have learned on this workshop was to use learning activities instead of games and the definitions of games opposed to learning activities.

As usual the lecture was well thought out and clear. The information was concise and the pacing was good. The handout was well thought out and easy to understand.

In my opinion using visual aides to teach students how to read key words is an excellent technique for teaching vocabulary and early literacy. I was impressed by the idea of teaching appropriate reaction phrases explicitly and it is a technique I have applied in my classroom.

I gained lots of tips on how to teach, how to manage a class with active young students, how to prepare and make a concise and effective lesson plan.

Students learn a lesson from a teacher while I, their teacher learns how to improve my teaching skills through them and I gain also insights from them to my make lessons more interesting to create a strong learning environment.

The MAT has a great impact on my teaching style. There is no doubt that I made a drastic change after attending the six workshops. The MAT 3 Steps and the MAT Practice System will be my teaching bible from now on.
MATは、私の指導にとても影響を与えました。6つのワークショップに参加して、クラスが劇的に変わりました。MATの3ステップやPractice Systemは、私のバイブルになるでしょう。

It was full of useful information and I tried to write it down as much as possible. However, the time was not always given enough. There are some parts I wish I could remember in details. I really hope to participate in the workshops again, and to be allowed to record them. Other than that, it was a very meaningful and fun time for me and I learned a lot.

I liked the puppet show. I do use puppets in my classes but it was very different from what I was doing. First, she was really into the characters and changed voices. Secondly she had a nice setting. I feel that young children will be drawn to the play by having a full-blown puppet show. I would like to work on using the puppets and create settings of my own.

Honestly, there were several students who quit coming to my English lessons even though they looked like they were having fun during games. Probably, I suppose that they couldn't feel their progress. To my regret, it is my fault as an English teacher. Experience has taught me that the most important things for young learners are competence and a sense of fulfillment.

Some kids don't like to make mistakes and also don't like it when someone corrects them. Some of them might lose temper. So we should think first why students make mistakes, and find out other ways to let them understand. Throughout the 6 workshops, I learned a lot of things. I am not a teacher now, but I'm sure that all the reports will be my teaching Bible if I become a teacher.

Before I took this course, I had a lot of activities in my lessons, but I did not note the clear purpose of the activities. I thought that a student's ability to say the target sentence was enough. I overlooked the opportunity for the students to talk about themselves.(...) Now, I make sure to note the purpose of each activity. I also make sure that each activity affords the opportunity to speak. When I explain the purpose of the activity, the students work on the activity more positively than before. They would make mistakes but would cooperate with each other or think by themselves.
講座に出席する前は、たくさんアクティビティーをやっていても、それぞれの目的をちゃんと考えたことはありませんでした。ターゲットのセンテンスが言えれば充分だと思っていたのです。生徒が自分自身について話す機会を見過ごしていました。 (...) 今は、アクティビティーの目的をちゃんと確認するようにしています。また、どのアクティビティーも生徒が発話する機会をしっかり与えるように気をつけています。目的を説明すると、生徒たちも以前より積極的に取り組むようになりました。間違えることもありますが、お互い助け合ったり、自分で考えたりするようになりました。


IIEEC Teacher Training Center